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by Robert Kennedy and Sinclair Stammers

Siri Scientific Press (2018, June 1st) 978-0-9957496-1-0 RRP £37.50

384 pp, 240 x 165 mm, soft cover, 800+ colour photographs/illustrations

Trilobites of the British Isles is the first illustrated modern overview of the trilobite faunas of Great Britain and the Irish Republic. It is intended as a comprehensive reference volume to the approximately four thousand, four hundred different species of trilobite recorded from the British Isles over the last three centuries.

Of this faunal list, fewer than four hundred species are known from complete or almost complete specimens, and of these, three hundred and forty three species and subspecies are illustrated here. Many are the finest and best preserved specimens known to science.

Trilobites of the British Isles will appeal to casual admirers and committed collectors alike and it will also serve as a reference for academics and other serious students of this perennially fascinating group of extinct arthropods.

About the authors
Robert Kennedy is a retired teacher of science and art subjects, a former Open University lecturer and a retired museum curator. He has a Masters research degree in Lower Ordovician trilobites from Wales, and a Doctorate in British Devonian trilobites. He was the Principle Curator of Natural History at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery for more than ten years, until his retirement. Dr Kennedy has published his academic research in Monographs of the Palaeontological Society of London and has published articles on trilobites for the Open University Geological Society.

Sinclair Stammers is a professional scientific photographer. Alongside his work he has maintained a fascination for the study of trilobites. His association with Bob Kennedy first arose while working on a collaborative book with Pete Lawrance called Trilobites of the World Lawrance & Stammers 2014, also by Siri Scientific Press.

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