Check out our articles on fossil preparation!
3-Pack Fossil Preparation Styli (Long, Short, Chisel) to fit the Dremel 290
Clear Gloss Varnish 100ml
A Guide to Fossil Collecting on the South Dorset Coast
Vaniman Master Mobile Problast
Paasche Air Eraser Kit (Handheld Air Abrasive)
Starter Kit - Dremel® 290 Engraver with 3x Fossil Preparation Nibs + PPE
Vaniman Mobile Problast
A Guide to Fossil Collecting in England and Wales
4-Way Pneumatic Splitter
A Guide to Fossil Collecting on the West Dorset Coast
QUIET BUDGET Fossil Preparation Starter Kit (with The Trilobite)
Dactylioceras Ammonite Mug
ZOIC PalaeoTech Beanie
QUIET BUDGET Fossil Preparation Complete Starter Kit
QUIET Fossil Preparation Starter Kit (Maia - PRO RANGE)
Fossil Polishing Kit
ZOIC PalaeoTech Gift Voucher
Dremel® 290 Engraver with 3x Fossil Preparation Nibs (35W) 230V
ZPT-MR The Microraptor
ZPT-CP The ZOIC Chicago
AKEMI Polishing Fluid 100ml (Colour intensifying)
Fossil Prepping Gift Bundle (for beginners)
A Guide to Fossil Collecting on the East Dorset Coast
Jurassic Fossils of the West Dorset Coast: A Time Traveller's Journal