Check out our articles on fossil preparation!
A Guide to Fossil Collecting on the South Dorset Coast
A Guide to Fossil Collecting in England and Wales
A Guide to Fossil Collecting on the West Dorset Coast
Trilobites of the British Isles
Fossils of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation - Volume 1
Fossil Plants of the London Clay
Fossil Animal Remains: Their Preparation and Conservation
A Guide to Fossil Collecting on the East Dorset Coast
Jurassic Fossils of the West Dorset Coast: A Time Traveller's Journal
Silurian Fossils of the Pentland Hills, Scotland
Fossils of the Upper Ordovician
The Jurassic Flora of Yorkshire
Plant Fossils of the British Coal Measures
Fossils of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation - Volume 2
Fossils of the Whitby Coast: A Photographic Guide