Check out our articles on fossil preparation!
Running at just 59dB (quiet, not completely silent) and fitting easily onto a tabletop, the FINI Siltek 6l is perfect for travelling and working in small spaces.
This air compressor will run the full PRO Range* of ZOIC PalaeoTech air pens. We are proud to say that our air pens have the lowest air consumption in the world, allowing them to run off really tiny air compressors without overheating or overstraining them.
Going on a fossil hunting holiday? This air compressor is small and portable. It does require mains power to run but packs away into tiny spaces, whilst running at very low noise levels (less than the sound of a conversation). Oilless design means no oil spillage and no travelling with cartons of oil - the only mess you'll have to take care of is the rock chips!
Perfect for those living in small spaces! The FINI takes up a very small amount of space and can be packed away when not in use. It is low noise and fitted with anti-vibration feet, so you won't disturb your neighbours or flatmates.
The Siltek works just as a larger air compressor that you would typically associate with fossil prep would- it runs up to 8 bars (116 PSI), and works by drawing in air from the atmosphere.
The Pro Range includes the ZPT-MR Microraptor, ZPT-VR Velociraptor, ZPT-CP The ZOIC Chicago and the ZPT-TR T-Rex. This compressor is not suitable for running our budget air scribe, the ZPT-TB Trilobite.
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