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Two-sided diamond card for sharpening tungsten carbide styli. One side is coarse (300 grit) and the other side is fine (600 grit).
85 x 50mm. 1.6mm thick.
When sharpening tungsten carbide, use with mineral oil, lapping fluid or air tool oil. Never grind tungsten carbide dry as the dust should not be inhaled.
Top tips!
When sharpening a point, you may find it easier to mount the stylus in a drill and ask someone else to hold and run the drill whilst you sharpen the stylus with the diamond card (safety glasses on!). This may not always be possible if the stylus doesn't fit in the drill chuck or could be damaged by the drill chuck. This also won't be viable in a low quality drill as the runout may be too high. You don't need power tools to sharpen your stylus - it can be done by hand but it will take a little longer.
Whilst you want your stylus to be sharp, you don't want it to be so extremely sharp that the end snaps off when you touch it to a rock. If you are using particularly impact driven tools (such as the ZOIC Chicago or the T-Rex), just ever so slightly rounding the end off will prolong the life of your stylus considerably (we recommend sharp, not razor sharp!).
Try and keep that long bullet shape when sharpening the points. If you make the angle too obtuse, it won't cut through the rock when prepping.
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