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Precision applicator dispenser bottle for adhesives with 4 dispensing tips of different diameter apertures. We use ours with a variety of different concentrations of Paraloid B-72 for very controlled dispensing.

Twist lock mechanism to attach and detach different dispensing heads quickly. When you need to seal the bottle, simply use the included cap. Different tips can be easily cleaned with the included syringe (with the same twist lock mechanism) and a suitable solvent for cleaning (pure acetone works for Paraloid!).

Each set of bottles or single bottle pack comes with a 5ml CLEANING SYRINGE for the tips so you can reuse them again and again.

Pack contains:

  • 3 x 60ml Applicator Bottles
  • 1 x Green Tip (1.6mm aperture) ZPT001
  • 1 x Purple Tip (0.51mm aperture) ZPT002
  • 1 x Orange Tip (0.33mm aperture) ZPT003
  • 1 x Pink Tip (0.15mm aperture) ZPT004
  • 1 x Flat Brush 7mm (1.6mm aperture) ZPT 007
  • 1 x Round Brush 2mm (0.43mm aperture) ZPT 008
  • 3 x Caps
  • 1 x Cleaning Syringe

Brush applicators are ideal when working with solvent based adhesives that rely on evaporation. When working with Paraloid B-72 in acetone as a consolidant, for instance you are likely to encounter two problems by having an open pot which you dip your brush into. Firstly, the solvent will evaporate (slowly), increasing the concentration of the solution over the time you're using it. Secondly, this form of application helps prevent reverse migration - a constant stream of solute rather than an intermittent one is more likely to penetrate deeper.

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